Thursday, January 1, 2015

Putting Some Positivity Out Into the World

This morning a girl sat down on the bus next to me, took out a prayerbook and started to say her morning prayers. I decided I should do the same. I have a prayerbook app on my phone and I began to say my morning prayers.
When we approached my stop, I thought maybe she'd like to know that she'd inspire me. That it would make her happy to know she had a positive effect on someone. But I wasn't sure how to tell her that in Hebrew. (I figured it out a few minutes later. But I was on the spot because I had to get off the bus.) As I stood up to walk to the door, I realized she was praying from an Artscroll prayerbook with English translation, which meant she had to be an English-speaker.
I said "Thank you for inspiring me to daven this morning too."
Her face lit up and she said "Awwww."
I smiled and got off the bus.

I'm Ba-ack!

It is two years later.
I still take the #7 to work but the #7 has changed its route and I have changed jobs.

Let's take it from the top.

Happy New Year.